Head of The Cultural Office
The Cultural Counsellor 

 Prof. Fahimah A. Alawadhi

- Our Mission -

The mission of the Kuwait Cultural Office in Dublin is to support the educational goals of the State of Kuwait, to establish links between educational and research institutions in both Kuwait and Ireland, and to continuously develop the educational, professional, and research programmes of both Kuwaiti individuals and institutions. The Cultural Office is also responsible for Kuwaiti students attending institutions, colleges, and universities in Ireland. Thus, the Cultural Office helps facilitate student admissions, gives student counsel, and looks after student welfare. It provides financial and moral support to students and their families in Ireland. Our supervisory activity ensures their well-being. Each student is supervised by an academic advisor who monitors the student’s progress through university. The Cultural Office is responsible for the payment of student scholarship funds, as well as their tuition fees (which are paid directly to the educational institutions), their health insurance, and their airline tickets. The Cultural Office supervises students who are studying the following programmes:

 -  English Language Programmes;
 -  Foundation Programmes;
 -  Undergraduate University / College Programmes;
 -  Graduate University / College Programmes.

Furthermore, the Cultural Office holds meetings with educators from various educational institutions and universities in Ireland in order to explore new educational opportunities and potential cooperation. To schedule an appointment to visit the Cultural Office please call 01-5310090.

- Our Academic Advisors -

Our Academic Advisors and the Universities they supervised:
Mr. Mostafa Farghaly      RCSI - pre-med and 5th year Farghaly@mohe.edu.kw
UCD - 5th and 6th year Telephone: (+353) 01 531 0090
UL - 1st year  
Ms. Claire Farnon Marino cfarnon@mohe.edu.kw
TCD - 3rd, 4th and 5th year Telephone: (+353) 01 531 0090
RCSI - 3rd and 4th year (Medicine)  
UL - Foundation  
UL - 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year  
Ms. Clare Holohan NUIG - 5th year clare.holohan@mohe.edu.kw
DCU Telephone: (+353) 01 531 0090
UCD - 1st and 2nd year  
RCSI - 1st and 2nd year (Medicine )  
All Language students  
Ms. Janan Mohamad DCU Foundation janan@mohe.edu.kw
RCSI - Pharmacy Telephone: (+353) 01 531 0090
ATT, GEM and Physiotherapy (RCSI)  
All CSC students  
All Masters students  
Ms. Khadidja Amiar TCD - 1st and 2nd year kamiar@mohe.edu.kw
NUIG - 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year Telephone: (+353) 01 531 0090
UCD - 3rd and 4th year  

- Student Guidance -

- Activities -


Embassy of the State of  Kuwait 
Kuwait Cultural Office
One Grand Parade, 5th Floor.
Ranelagh, Dublin 6
Email: info@kuwaitcultural.ie
Phone Number: (+353) 01-5310090

Oppening hours:

Monday - Friday:  09:00 - 16:00
Lunch time:            13:00 - 14:00
Ramadhan Hours: 10:00 - 14:00